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Turn Your Containers into Food

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Containers for Change

We are very excited to be apart of the West Australian government’s Containers for Change Initiative. By being involved in Bridge Builders Containers for Change program you can turn your containers into donations to help put food on the table for those experiencing hunger and food insecurity in our community.  

Our Goal 

Our goal is to collect 120,000 recyclable containers in 365 days which will go towards the Community Food Services Centre, that helps families and individuals in our community who are doing it tough.

120,000 Containers in 12 months is equal to $12,000!

Thats as simple as 50 containers a month

That's just 12 containers a week.

We need 200 Supporters to make our goal a reality.

14,922 Containers Collected

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How do you get involved?

1. Collect elligible containers


Start collecting eligible containers. Scroll down to see what's eligible and what isn't!


Visit us to drop-off your containers or drop them off  at your local depot. Visit the Containers for Change website to find your closest recycling point.

2. Go to your nearest depot and drop off your containers.

3. Donate the funds raised using our Scheme ID.


Quote our Scheme ID to donate the funds to Bridge Builders and make a positive impact in your community. You can even drop off your containers to the Bridge Builders Community Food Service Centre and we can do the rest.

Drop your containers in our Containers for Change Bins

Thanks to Containers for Cash Mandurah you can now drop off your recyclable containers in our donation bins at our Community Food Centre or in the foyer of the 1Church Ministry Building at 370 Pinjarra Road. 

Containers for Cash Mandurah will then collect the bins and turn your containers into donations that we can use to purchase items of need for those in our community. 

Scheme ID!

If you choose to go to a collection depot, you'll need this scheme ID. You can either quote the scheme ID number C10330867 or have the QR code scanned. For convenience, you can download a flyer below which has the scheme ID and a barcode for scanning on drop off.

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What Containers Can Be Donated?

When you decide to get involved, make sure your containers fit the eligibility criteria below and to use our SchemeID at your local depot when recycling containers. 

If your drink container has a 10c mark, it’s good to go!

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L can be saved. 

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Eligible Containers

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard between 150ml to 3L are eligible. Containers must display the refund mark (e.g. “10c refund at collection depots/points in participating State/Territory of purchase”)

Not Eligible Containers

There are some drink containers that are not eligible for a refund. Generally, excluded containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L. Excluded containers include milk containers, glass containers which have contained wine or pure spirits, containers 1L or larger which have contained flavoured milk, pure fruit or vegetable juice, cordial or syrup containers.

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